For youth and adults alike, the results of painful situations that we don’t fully process are unwanted feelings, emotions, sensations, attitude or pain (FESAPs).When our nervous system stays in a stress reaction, this state can often turn into anxiety.
The most debilitating manifestation of anxiety is the panic attack, the most frightening aspect of which is that the individual does not know what is happening. Frequently, panic originates with an earlier, fearful event that has been forgotten by the individual. Because TIR does not proceed in a logical, linear fashion, it may unlock the memory and reveal the significance of panic symptoms more readily than traditional therapeutic approaches.
For a better understanding of Stress reactions and self care strategies, consult
Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR) is an effective technique for reducing many types and symptoms of anxiety. This helping method is highly effective in reducing the number of panic attacks, the number of symptoms experienced during a panic attack and the severity of the symptoms. Think of the FESAPs as smoke and the difficult situation as the fire. When something is burning, you need to find the source. The procedure of viewing used in Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR) allows the individual to revisit his/her panic symptoms and begin to understand why they occur. Once an understanding is present, the individual is able to take conscious control over the symptoms.
For an effective strategy to use during panic attacks consult my blog:
The applied metapsychology approach (TIR in our jargon) is one of the only modality that uses a personalized plan for each of its clients? And the latter decide the order in which the different elements of their plan will be addressed. Those elements are identified following the first session. It allows the client to systematically examine the content of their mind.
Situations that emerge between sessions are addressed until the client is satisfied before continuing to work on painful past events. This permits us to end each session with a clear and satisfying outcome. It empowers the person to face their difficulties and come to their own truths and realizations by avoiding having someone else making diagnoses, judgments or giving labels.
Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR) is a completely person-centered approach that addresses the emotional and behavioral consequences of traumatic experiences: bereavement and loss, neglect, accidents, abuse, violence, and all forms of painful life experiences. The TIR method also reduces post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Life Stress Reduction (LSR) is a complementary approach that allows the person to reduce emotional suffering and bring greater clarity and comfort to difficult situations: complicated relationships, lack of self-confidence, work and career problems, financial problems, health concerns, anxiety, fear of the future, etc.
Why is this modality completely free of the dangers of causing "damage", introducing false memories or creating confusion? Because by being person-centered and following the rules of this method, there are no leading questions, no evaluation or judgment, and no interpretation.
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